Annual Calendar Photo Contest

Littleton Calendar Photo Contest

Entry deadline: September 20, 2024

2025 Calendar Photo Contest Entry Form

How to enter

Read through the entry instructions. The Littleton Calendar Photo Contest entry process is paperless. All images can be submitted using the online entry form button above. There are no photo categories; however, seasonal, event, or holiday-themed photos are encouraged. 

Who may enter

The photo contest is open to everyone. Each photographer may enter up to five (5) photographs, but only one (1) photograph per photographer may win. Photographers may only submit their own photographs. There is no fee to enter the contest.

Map showing the Littleton city boundaries

Photo requirements

  • All submitted photos must be taken within, or associated with the City of Littleton. Many areas have a Littleton mailing address, but are not in the city limits. For example, neither Roxborough Park nor the Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield are in the city limits. Use the Address Wizard to check the location to be sure the photo was taken within the Littleton city limits


  • Only horizontal images taken in the Littleton city limits will be considered.


  • Photos must be horizontal or "landscape" format; vertical photos will not be considered.
  • Photos should be shot in the highest, uncompressed resolution possible.
  • Photo dimension must be at least 12" wide x 9" high x 300 dpi (3600w x 2700h pixels) or larger.
  • Max file size is 20 megabytes per photo.
  • Do not add text, watermarks, date, logos, names, etc. to photographs.


  • DO NOT use generic filenames (such as IMG_1260.jpg). Original (camera) filenames are not acceptable. Photos submitted with camera filenames may be disqualified.
  • Description must match photo.
  • Filename format must include the season: [season]-[lastname]-[photo#]-[description].jpg
  • Correct example:  summer-olson-3-www-parade.jpg
  • The Upload Photos section on the entry form includes a season, description, and location field for each photo entered. Describe the entries carefully, including the filename (see naming requirements above) and the Littleton address or location where the photo was taken.

Judging and winners

  • Judging is scheduled for the last Monday in September. Members of the city's Arts & Culture Board consider all the qualified photographs and select 13 winners — one for each month and one for the calendar cover.
  • Winners receive $25 cash, 10 calendars, and publicity via news releases and the distribution of approximately 8,000 calendars to the community. Winners will be notified by phone and/or email the day after judging has been completed. Winner's names are published the Littleton Report Online.

Photo release terms

  • All photographers must agree to a Permanent Photo License before their entry can be submitted, stating that all submitted images, including non-winning images, are released for reproduction in the calendar and/or possible future city publications and products. For example, several non-winning images are spotlighted each year in the city's Annual Budget. Photographers maintain personal rights to their photograph; the city is not licensed to release any photo to a third party. A model release form is not required.

The permanent, non-exclusive license shall be shown as executed on the date the photo was submitted.

WHEREAS, the “Photographer” named on the Entry Form has submitted up to five “Photographs” described on the form to the City of Littleton (with offices at 2255 W. Berry Ave., Littleton, Colorado 80120) for possible use in City’s annual calendar and for such other and further uses as the City, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate or desirable, whether or not such Photographs are selected by the City for use in its calendar.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the City and Photographer agree as follows:

  1. The Photographer hereby grants the City a license to print, crop, enhance, enlarge, publish, circulate, use, and reproduce the Photographs in whatever way or manner it, in its sole discretion, deems fit.
  2. The Photographer hereby expressly warrants that the Photographs were taken by Photographer and that Photographer has the authority to grant this license.
  3. Should the City select any of the Photographs for use in its Calendar, ten copies of said calendar and twenty-five dollars ($25) shall be paid by the City to the Photographer.

All contest winners will be required to submit a completed IRS Form W-9 [PDF].

For questions or more information, email